
It’s a well-read paper
Written responses from readers show that they read every issue cover-to-cover. Many keep the papers long after the publication date, giving your ad a much stronger impact than it would in a daily paper which is recycled the next day.
Published 22times a year
Since LH is published on the 1st and 15th of every month, with 12 pages or more every issue, we can cover the Icelandic community in depth — with many seasonal and event-related special features.

Thousands of regular readers.
Lögberg-Heimskringla has an estimated readership of about 10,000. Reach them all through your ad in LH. The LH website receives an average of 16,000 hits per week, with a unique user average of 1,500 people per week.
Free web ads
Every issue of LH is archived in PDF format on our website, looking exactly like the print edition —  those back issues can be read by any subscriber. We also regularly post our special issues for free on our website. Any way you look at it, your print ad becomes a free web ad. For web-only ads that link directly to your website, call for details.
Reasonable rates for an international newspaper
LH’s subscribers live all across Canada and in many parts of the United States and there is a rapidly-growing subscribership in Iceland.
It shows pride in your heritage
Does the Icelandic community know about your business? An ad can do much more than just sell your product or service — it shows your support for the Icelandic community and its culture.

It’s the perfect opportunity to promote your business to the widespread and diverse Icelandic communities.
An ad can do much more than just sell your product or service – whether your a full-blown Icelander or an enthusiast, it shows your support in a culture rich in heritage and tradition.

For a detailed rate sheet contact Lögberg-Heimskringla
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