Events Calendar

Jon Sigurdsson Day
Monday 17 June 2024, 07:00pm

Winnipeg, MB: Iceland Independence Day, Jon Sigurdsson Day. The Jon Sigurdsson Chapter IODE and the Icelandic Canadian Frón in conjunction with the Icelandic Consulate in Winnipeg will host an event to celebrate Iceland Independence Day / Jon Sigurdsson Day at the Winnipeg Art Gallery. 7 p.m. Ceremonial Wreath Laying and Gala Concert Guest speaker: Stefan Jonasson. Performances by Solskrikjan Choir with Kerrine Wilson. Jazz Musician Richard Gillis. Intermedia Artist Freya Björg Olafson. Reception to follow. Sponsored by the Consulate General of Iceland in Winnipeg, Vilhjálmur Wiium. Free admisson, open to the public.